Wednesday, October 15, 2014

To Blog or Not to Blog

Managing a blog has been tough. It takes a lot of my time to put everything together. I don't mind spending the time to write my posts. My struggle is with knowing whether or not the information I choose to share is relevant. Which experiences should I share? What information would make the biggest difference in people's lives?

I try to make our blog different.

When my husband and I decided to start a blog, we wanted to create something that would set our blog apart from the other blogs that are available. We think that the thing that makes us special is that we blog as a team. This gives us the opportunity to give different perspectives on the same topic. 

After a couple months of blogging, I asked two of our children if they would like to contribute to our blog. One has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and the other is going through psychological testing in order to see if she has the illness. We allow them to become guest bloggers when they are interested. The focus of our blog changed from "a married couple's point of view" to a "family's point of view".

I have a topic that I am passionate about.
I am passionate about the topic of bipolar disorder. In writing about a subject that I have strong feelings about, I can make my blog posts more compelling. I would like to think that my enthusiasm about the illness will allow others who are interested in the subject follow to our blog. 

My intent is to inform others about the bipolar disorder. I want to let others who have the disorder know that they are not alone. I want people to understand the illness.

I write about what I know.
I do not claim to be an expert about bipolar disorder. I write about my personal experiences with having the illness. I think I express myself better when I reveal my feelings in contrast to writing fact filled blogs. I write in my own voice.

I write for myself.
As much as I want to make a difference in the world of mental illness, in the end, I am writing for myself. Keeping a blog is like writing my own personal journal. Although my "journal" is public, I truly believe that others share my thoughts and feelings.

Writing also helps me learn more about myself. In order to keep my blog posts relevant, I continue to research the facts. This exercise helps me find new topics in which to write about.

I try not to worry about the numbers.
At times it has been discouraging. Is this blog worth the time I spend writing it? I am struggling with whether or not we are making a enough of a difference. I realize that I need to be patient and give our blog time to become established in order to see results. I will have to trust my original instincts and believe that what we are doing the right thing.

photo credit: <a href="">hang_in_there</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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